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Thought for Sunday - 16th May 2021

Thought for Sunday: It’s been a week of highs and lows - seeing loved family , catching up over the fire pit, sharing stories, catching up with special friends, new jobs started, exams passed, new challenges faced, concerns over friends health - so many with their individual challenges and wondering how best to support.

In fact, this is life, in its full mix of positives and challenges. Learning to ride the wave - when you are in it, you don’t notice, you get on and do. Laughing and loving at the good parts and dealing with the not so good. It can be in the aftermath when you feel the exhaustion - how did I cope? How did I manage?

I heard a great phrase this week - “The days were slow but the week was fast” And weeks just go past so quickly.

In all that you are doing this week, riding the wave, keep that perspective, stay present, life is flying by - embrace each second and give it your time.

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us “- J.R.R Tolkien #wellbeing #change #scotland


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