Thought for Sunday: This week felt like a week of two halves - sun and snow, rain and gales, good news and sad news, stability and change. A reminder over the days that things can move in a moment.
My Aunt turned 100 yesterday. So much she has seen since 1921 - an amazing achievement , my friend shared news of her illness and her resilience and positivity is inspirational, another friend shared news of a loved one who had died, another friend lost their friend, another has a new job, an exciting new beginning for her, another friend shared their challenges with a health condition, another with the challenges in their family and I cried when I heard that Prince Philip had died. A constancy in the background that had gone and left his wife of 73 years alone.
I watch the tide ebb and flow on the shore , a constant in a world of change and it’s reminds me of the constancy and love of my friends.
My lovely wee friend Leo shared his fabulous picture that he drew this week, with me, and I asked for permission to share it with you. In all this change, in all these times of challenge, love is the guiding light. Love brings us joy. Where would we be without our friends, family, loved ones. I’m looking forward to hugging them again, to spending time with them in person and laughing very loudly at probably nothing in particular but in being together, sharing a story and watching the sun go down over the mountains of the Loch and giving thanks.
Carefree loved filled moments are good for the soul.
“A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside “ - Winnie the Pooh - AA Milne
