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May Updates - Events, Workshops, Gifts and Community Radio!

May brought the sun back and its been great to be busy working with my wonderful clients as well as running workshops, mentoring, attending fairs and furiously writing Book Two! The Beltane Retreat which I hold circle for with Caroline of Innersolas and Alison of Alison Fell Coaching, was a fantastic day - powerful release and creating memorable moments for all involved. Our next retreat is for Lammas - details are below, it would be lovely to see you there. I have been out and about to Saltcoats, Helensburgh and Dunoon with my stall, promoting my book and well-being gifts - so lovely to meet so many lovely locals and visitors , as well as fellow stall holders and exciting news, The Woodland Florist in Kirn, Dunoon is now stocking "Thoughts from the Shore" which is really exciting!

New On-line workshops and meditation classes starting soon and new Wellbeing products and gifts being listed in my shop. I will send another up date soon but keep track by following me on Facebook/ Instagram: Calma Shore and on my website

June Events

Guided Meditation Class Dunoon Argyll

Guided Meditation Classes: On Saturday 8th and 22nd June ,Guided Meditation classes are running from 9.15am to 10am at Castle Tennis Club, Dunoon.

Embark on a tranquil voyage of self-discovery and inner peace with my 45-minute Guided Meditation Session

The aim is to transport you to a state of deep relaxation and mindfulness and to support you in your mediation journey.

The journey unfolds through a series of guided visualisations and mindfulness exercises, designed to quiet the chatter of the mind and cultivate a sense of inner calm. 

Whether you're new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, this class offers a welcoming safe space to explore how to mediate and give yourself time for self care and support your wellbeing . Join me on this journey to inner peace.

Please bring a filled water bottle, mat, blanket, pillow to sit on if you would like to sit on the floor, chairs are available for anyone who would prefer one.

Only £10 per session per person

To Book, please click the link for the required date:

Journalling for Wellbeing Class Dunoon

Journalling for Wellbeing: On Saturday 8th and 22nd June, Journalling for Wellbeing Classes are running from 10.30am - 11.30am, at Castle Tennis Club, Dunoon.

Discover the power of self-reflection and personal growth in our Journalling for Wellbeing class. This transformative journey invites you to explore the depths of your inner world through the art of journalling.

Settle into a welcoming space where you can freely express yourself without judgment or expectation. Whether you're a seasoned writer or new to journalling, this class offers a safe and supportive environment to delve into the pages of your own story.

Join me on this enriching journey of self-exploration and embark on a path toward greater self-awareness, authenticity, and wellbeing. Let your journal be your guide as you unveil the truth of who you are and the infinite possibilities that await.

Please bring your favourite notebook and pen along with you

Only £10 per session per person

To Book:

Hypnotherapy/NLP Coaching Sessions : If you are looking for support with any emotional challenge you are facing in your life, then I am here to help. Please reach out for a free, totally confidential consultation when we can talk about how my work may be able to help you. I offer In-person and On-line Sessions: Call me on 07738175457 or email on or to book a free 30 minutes consultation , use this link One to One Consultation Call - Calma Shore (

Celebration of Lammas Retreat - Following on from our previous two successful retreat days, Caroline , Alison and I present to you the next full day retreat at Uig Hall in August!

Lammas (pronounced Lah-mahs) symbolises the halfway point between the Summer Solstice (Litha) and the Autumn Equinox (Mabon). 

Harnessing the power of women gathering in circle, our third Release & Rise Retreat is an opportunity to tune in with the turning of the wheel of the year.

Traditionally at this time, bread would be baked with the first harvest grain and blessed as part of Lammas celebrations. Spiritually, it is a time to look back on all that we have been planting and nurturing through growth during the Summer, to begin to reap what we have sown and enjoy the fruits of our actions.

This will be the third of 4 retreats this year, all harnessing the energies of the Earth through the Wheel of the Year.

If you are looking to deepen your practice or start your journey with us we will be happy to welcome and hold space for you.

Your investment in yourself: £101 for the full day

To Book, please click on the link here: Lammas Day Retreat | Alison Fell

Community Radio!

Each week I present a show on Dunoon Community Radio called Lunch, Laughter and Wellbeing . The show airs each Thursday from 1pm-2pm and is repeated on Friday morning 6am -7am . Repeats of my past shows are aired on a Wednesday afternoon 2pm-4pm .

Subscribe for membership at: Positive Mindset Coaching & NLP Practice | Lyndsey H Greer. I offer four levels of Membership for support throughout the year.

Have a great month everyone and if I can help in anyway, please make contact




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